Tired of hiring without a system? It takes more than resumes and interviews to land your ideal hire.
Get a PROVEN, step-by-step hiring framework that WORKS! You don't have to reinvent the wheel, use what is working now for hundreds of Entrepreneurs just like you!
Tell Me MoreIt's the most common question I get asked...
How do we find and hire all these remote workers?

You've come to the right place.
What you need is a FRAMEWORK. A proven process. A step-by-step guide to hiring.
We match entrepreneurs and small business owners with highly skilled Executive Assistants and Online Business Managers. We've had over 60+ matches with a 100% success rate.
Our process works.
Allow me to show you...
3 Pillars For A Candidate
How to Screen Candidates
Want the framework for yourself?
You'll receive:
⮕ Success steps for bringing on a new hire
⮕ The 3 main pillars that identify a qualified candidate and what to look for
⮕ Candidate email templates, what to say and when
⮕ A weekly snapshot of what is done each week during the hiring process.
⮕ Steps to execute ALL of the six screening phases
⮕ Questions to ask your candidate during EACH screening phase (that's over 50+ questions)
PLUS tips and tricks for each step of the way!
Get The Framework
The Amazing Results Our Clients Are Getting:
How It Started

Hi there, I'm Chelsea!
I used to be the Executive Assistant for the Chief Digital Officer of a successful multi-million dollar company, Ramsey Solutions. I stepped away from that role because I wanted to work remotely (which wasn't allowed) to travel more and work from anywhere.
I started out in my remote journey as a freelance Virtual Executive Assistant which then turned into being an Integrator/COO to several high-level entrepreneurs and thought leaders. My clients' colleagues would ask if I could help them too, but I just didn't have the bandwidth. I did, however, know a lot of other great EAs and Integrators that I had worked with and began connecting them to work together. This is where the Virtual EA & OBM Matching first began - by connecting good people together. That is and always will be the heart behind it.
I started my own business from scratch and, now as an entrepreneur myself, I'm uniquely positioned to know what a small business owner needs as well as what the candidates are looking for too.
I've seen too many entrepreneurs trying to do everything themselves. I'm a firm believer that if we delegate some things and let everyone work in their strengths, that's the sweet spot. I'm passionate about helping people grow their businesses while also gaining freedom and flexibility back in their lives.
Gain Access To Our Remote Worker Network Today!
Need someone to run your hiring process for you?
We get it! Hiring is a top priority but it doesn't have to be YOUR top priority. Screening is 100% something you can delegate, and arguably SHOULD delegate. CLICK HERE to learn more about our hiring services.