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Hi there, I'm Chelsea!

I'm a system optimizing coach to entrepreneurs, process-obsessed virtual assistant matchmaker, adventure-seeking digital nomad, and detail-loving advocate for the cubicle worker desiring more freedom and flexibility.

I get to work with 6 & 7 figure entrepreneurs to help systemize their businesses so they can automate and delegate the operations. I've seen their lives turn around by having more time and allowing them to stay in their zone of genius as the visionary.

Before becoming an entrepreneur myself, I worked for several years as the Executive Assistant to the CDO of a successful multi-million dollar company near Nashville, TN. Nowadays you’ll find me traveling with my husband and pup, looking for the next mountain to hike, and occasionally sipping a glass of bourbon — all while coaching entrepreneurs, serving clients, and blogging about this life we get to live after breaking free from the corporate world.

I believe you can do great work from anywhere and your life doesn't have to revolve around office buildings.

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